Tagged with 'Grooming Tips'

The Need for Speed

As the holiday rush nears, the need for speed grows. Time is always the most common concern for professionals in this industry. What areas in your day are robbing you of precious minutes? Here are the top 10 areas where pet pros can improve!

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Tool Organizing Tips

I am a self-confessed tool junkie. If I see a grooming tool that I don’t own and think would be useful, I’ll buy it. Sometimes the purchase is a win, other times a dud. Then there is the grey zone, a great tool for a few specific tasks but not something I will use on most pets. It turns out I have quite a few of those grey zone tools...

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Face First

face first pet grooming blog

Imagine you have just finished grooming a small, fluffy dog. You take it to greet its waiting owner, and they "ooh" and "ah" appreciatively to see their freshly trimmed pet. Do you know what they are looking at first when their dancing dog greets them? It's their precious little face. There are ways to step up your game to make those canine faces exclaim worthy. Of course, it all starts in the tub. We all know that prep work is the basis of an excellent groom. However, perfecting prep work on faces can take some extra steps.

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